Our production company is called StandHardProduction we chose this name because it is a metaphor of how we planned to stand as a team and try to overcome problems together. Are logo is just a standard logo with SHP in a circle, this was chosen as it is a basic logo so it’s more recognisable for the audience. There were many roles to fill in are small group so some of us had to take on 2-3 roles. my role was creating the tittles and storyboards these where to be completed before the production started to give us an outline and titles complete before editing took place. Other tasks such as filming and editing where done by liam oliver and connor page(senior editor) as i was the junior editor and fran was in charge of misc on scene; everything seen on camera. As a production company we had to create a cast what suited the roles.. these actors where Connor Page as the murder, Heather Steele as the victim, Liam Oliver as yob and William Page as the stunt double this was shown in the opening titles in what we thought was the most important to the audience for example; we started with the cast as they appeared in the opening as the audience could connect to the characters and know what actor is playing which role down to irrelevant things the audience might not be interested in e.g. the stunt double which is the last title credit. An idea i have had for a distributor is Anchor Bay Entertainment this is because it has distributed low budget films such as " I spit on your grave" and "the kings speech" i think this is a good choice as the kings speech was a very successful film and i spit on your grave is a low budget horror like our film so it could be distributed in the same way . We could raise money for it by firstly investing our own money into the film, or contact local investors as this is the best way to raise money but in exchange their brand would have to somehow be included into the film you could also get a sponsorships from a large business such as McDonalds or debut the production at large conventions such as Comic-Con.
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