Tuesday, 3 May 2011

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

i have learnt during the production a variety of new skills. Including using video editing software (adobe premier pro and adobe affect effects)
Here is a screenshot of me using adobe affect effects to create the titles for the film.
I found this difficult at first as it was the first time of me using this software. I was taught how to use it with help from Connor page and online videos.

Here is a screenshot of me using adobe premier pro. I help make a rough cut of our final video by deciding what clips looked best where and where the titles took place.
I found this difficult also because it is the first time using the software properly as juno was a entire group effort and didn’t have to rely on myself as much.

This is the first time i have started blogging and at first i found it difficult but over time i have learnt how to add images, embed video’s and use colour and text to make my work stand out , Here are some printscreens of my work i have uploaded onto the blogs both me using the writing functions on it and what the final blog looks like

here is a printscreen of our youtube home page,this is my second time using youtube profile as i have a personal account aswell, i have learnt how to embed videos from youtube into my blog so they show up without having to click anything. this was useful as not the examiner can now view things without going onto other pages

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