Friday 24 September 2010

Final perliminary exercise

This is our final cut of the perliminary exercise
we have had positive feedback on youtube and facebook and the video has only been on
a few hours

Thursday 23 September 2010

editing our preliminary exercise

we started editing 20th of september we started editing our preliminary exercise
connor put some transitions into our video .. this is where our first problem occured
as i on my own was not happy with them because i dont like them to much.
we improvised and took out some of the transitions but kept a few of them.
we had to cut out alot of footage as we thought 2 minutes was long enough we added background music "love guru - 9 to 5 " as if fitted the mood of the film and we decided as a group what the song would be. Using adobe premiere pro we encounted various problems including lag.. this was because the school computers are a piece of rubish.

Friday 17 September 2010

Problems With Filming !!!

when using the camera for the first time we made a mistake and didn't record the sound properly
we has to redo the dialouge scene again and some sound effects
we was thinking about doing voice over, but we decided that would take far to long.

Me and fran ( the actors ) had a seriouse case of the giggles so it took a while to redo some of the scenes

Thursday 16 September 2010

Preliminary exercise

What we did...

We began our filming me and Fran where acting as badmans who wanted to skive lesson. We started by choosing a room we would film in. We film Myself reciving a text and walking down the corridoor to meet someone. After this fran was filmed reciving the text and then walking down the stairs to meet fran. We then met up and sat under the stairs and exchanged a few lines of dialouge (this is also shown below in our story board) We included match on action, 180 degree rule and also shot/ reverse shot.

Here is our script...
Fran: Heyaa
RyRy: Hellooo
Fran: What lesson you sciving?
RyRy: Science
Fran: i dont blame you, that Miss Moorehouse is such a bitch!
RyRy: Yeah i think im failing becasue of her, do you  have that drink i asked for?Fran: ermmm.....ah here it is.
RyRy: cheers, see you later.
Fran: See ya.

To begin with we had to wait a while to get cameras because the person was on the phone. It took us a while to find a location and sometimes we had to wait a while until people moved from the place we where filming in. We could not resolve this so just had to wait. Also with lighting we had to shut the blinds in some rooms becasue the sun was too bright, in some cases we had to change the direction we was filming in.

I beleive our filming went well and we got all the footage and more that we needed

Here is some scans of our story board and script for our preliminary exercise.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Perliminary Exercise - Research

the film needs to flow from shot to shot so the story can continue a good example of this is when time skips and the viewer is aware of this for example; someone goes to sleep and wakes up in the morning we do not have to watch the whole 12 hours sleep but we no the story has progressed.
bad continuity for example; in one shot theres a ipod on the table. ... shot changes .. then goes back and the ipod is gone this is a error and the continuity is lost.

Starwars continuity mistakes .. explains itself

Match on Action
This is the technique where one shot changes from another fluidily .
This creates an impression of continuity the shots could of been filmed weeks apart from one another but the viewer would be unaware of this . if a charater begins an action in the first shot and completes it in the next, a visual "bridge" is created which acts to disguise the cut from one to the other.

This shows a girl going to the library and getting a book and the camera changes as she starts to turn the page and in the next shot show her finishing turning the page.. this is continued seemlessly

Shot / Reverse shot
The techinque is used in scenes where there are usually 2-4 people on screen. In a classic shot/reverse shot the camera would focus on one person on set and they recite a few lines of dialogue, during the shot you will most likely see the person there talking to's shoulder slighty out of focus on the edge of the shot, to give the feel there having a conversation. (embeding disabled)
This shows a conversation between two people talking about there relationship.
simple video and shows the shot/reverse alot.

This is a good example of Shot/Reverse shot as you can see that the two people on screen are having a conversation and the camera focus on the person furthest away as he is talking in the shot

180 Degree Rule

180' degree is used so the viewer does not get confused as if the camera pans round the actors in the shot will look like there not engaging in conversation
as they will be looking the same way on screen.

This schematic shows the axis between two characters and the 180° arc on which cameras may be positioned (green). When cutting from the green arc to the red arc, the characters switch places on the screen.

Preliminary Exercise

Our first task is to produce a preliminary video.
In this task we must produce a continuity exercise which involes a charater opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down in a chair opposite another charater, with whom they exchange a couple of lines of dialogue.

The task should demonstrate;
  • Match on action
  • Shot/Reverse shot
  • 180 degree rule


Hey, my name is Ryan and this is my blog for media studies at KSCS.
Im 16 and studing A level's. I took up media because i wanted a change from old boring
lesson's and wanted to try something more active and express my large imagination.
i am hoping for a good grade and when i finish i want to be able to watch films and view them in a differn't way.

The group i am working with is;
Liam Oliver   
Francesca Williams
Connor Page